Game Intro:
Battle for Wesnoth offers more quality and quantity than almost any commercial title available.
Battle for Wesnoth offers more quality and quantity than almost any commercial title available.
Don't expect to beat BfW in one sitting. Or in six months. Staggering, to say the least, the content available from the main campaign alone will demand at least a hundred hours of gameplay. Although fifteen campaigns may not seem like a lot, with all of the losses added up (and you will lose – continuously), the time it takes to complete the entire compilation requires staggering determination, bouts of depression, fits of anger, and, finally, acceptance.
After completing an excellent tutorial containing two well-written and designed battles, you know all that you need to know about BfW. The game very much follows the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) philosophy, and, if you ask me, more games could afford to try this style of design, but I digress. Very simply: you receive an objective, start at your main camp site with a leader, recruit units of varying types, end your turn, and move around the map on your following turn. As you move around the map, you capture villages in order to earn income, since your units aren't working for free. They gotta eat, too, you know (before dying a horrible, ill-strategized death). Of course, along the way you're bound to run into mean ol' orcs or undead, or whatever, and you battle. When you complete your objective within the allotted amount of turns, you win. It's just that
Battle for Wesnoth is not just a compilation of campaigns with an online-multiplayer feature. Within the game, you can find various tools to help you, like an encyclopedia that offers stats on all of the units you've encountered, what they can promote into, what terrain they fight best on, and much more. The numbers are not hidden from the gamer – anything he wants to know about his opponent or his own units is available to him. Aside from this, the game also offers a statistics option which lets you track just how much bad luck you're dealing with. If the player has a high positive percentage of damage inflicted, he's actually getting pretty lucky. However, if he's getting the raw end of a deal, the game shows this as negative statistics. This keeps the player honest, making sure that he doesn't focus too much on his misfortune. Like any game with an element of chance, we tend to remember failures more than successes. Thoughtful implementations like these are what sets BfW above and beyond its commercial counterparts, along with powerful customization tools and vast multiplayer content.
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